Oh what a week it has been. I came down with a nasty sinus infection that put me out for a number of days. Now that I am feeling better I made some progress on Nanny Hazel's appliances. The stove is finally finished. I thought it was finished before put while I was out sick, Nanny had a few ideas of her own. She decide to fix it up a little as she says. What started as an all white stove ended up as a custom creation by Nanny. She went out to the shed and found a can of Farmall Red paint and went to town on the stove. Somewhere she found a rooster print and decopaged it onto the top of the stove. I think it actually turned out nicely and Nanny Hazel is finally happy about something. Here is her work of art.
As you can see, she is already thinking of breakfast for her and Bub. Two soft boiled eggs to share and some strong coffee for her.
Next in line is the sink. I will make sure I put some red in there to make her happy. Hopefully the rest of the lumber will arrive for her shelves. Also we are still waiting for the fridge. Hopefully it will be here soon. So much to do and Nanny has so little patience.